Event sourcing is a design pattern to build applications that are domain centric and easy to extend. The pattern is based on the usage of a persistent event log which substitutes the more classical relational database model for Rails applications.
Last week I gave this presentation at the London Ruby User Group you can find the details of what I learned over the last year using such pattern, hope you enjoy it!
Video here: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/11903-an-introduction-to-event-sourcing
Slides here: https://speakerdeck.com/mottalrd/an-introduction-to-event-sourcing-for-rubyists
Code here: https://gist.github.com/mottalrd/52a99a0a67275013df5a66281a4a1b11
Unfortunately SkillsMatter went into administration and the video can’t be recovered at the moment. Here is the webarchive page in case you are interested https://web.archive.org/web/20190125154427/https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/11903-an-introduction-to-event-sourcing
That’s a short alternative talk https://brightonruby.com/2018/introduction-to-event-sourcing-for-rubyists-alfredo-motta/